After recently returning from a soggy gathering at the family camp in the outskirts of the Adirondacks, I thought I would drop a quick post to honor an
old friend*.

Due to new ownership of the
Genesee Brewing Co., and a little help from that pesky recession, this classic, regional, and--most importantly--cheap beer has apparently undergone a bit of a resurgence. Somewhat surprisingly, it's even gone so far as to replace all-time Grandma and Grandpa V. favorite
PBR*--at least temporarily--as the can of choice at the family campfire just off of Erie Canal Road outside of
Croghan, NY (world famous for their
old can
While it is on the beer menu at Bukowski, I don't think it is readily available in these parts, as New Englanders seem to have their own favorites.
older can
If you see it, pick some up--"some" being a 30-pack. You won't regret it, unless you don't enjoy semi-mediocre beer.
Cheers to you, Genny Cream.
*I'm intrigued by the "age verification" gatekeeper in place to keep all of the underage beer-site surfers from accessing all of this mature content. No way they're getting past that kind of security. I'm just thankful that kids can still access the important sites without government interference--like the one about Croghan Bologna and this one.